So tell me a little about yourself.
Well, I'm an author, a writer. I have four pets, a dog and a cat and a fish, and a brother.
What do you like to write about?
There are a lot of things I believe in, I trust in. They are the single most important thing to me. My belifes and although my story lines, and even my themes and topics change and differ, I think almost if not all of my writing portray those beliefs. I like to write about peace, justice, and faith. my faith is the biggest part of my life, and I think my writing portrays that.
Thats awesome.What are some issues in this world you think we need to work on most?
The world has a lot of issues that need to be addressed, but the biggest ones, in my mind, are religious tolerance, cultural and racial equality, peace, justice, and again I think you'll see a lot of that in my poems and short stories, and even novels.
What's your favorite past time?
I love to sit outside on my computer and just write whatever pops into my mind. A lot of times the best pieces are those that just come to you. Thats how all of my poetry is written.
Who are your role models?
Jesus, Donald Miller, and a couple of my highschool teachers.
Who are your favorite Authors?
Donald Miller, James, and Paul.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would have six fingers on one hand.
What is your first name?
That my friend, is to remain unknown.
Okay, and what would be one thing you'd tell your fans?
Never give up, have faith, don't let a writer's block stop you. Don't let ANYTHING stop you.